A few months ago Vexing Query was cool enough to let me use this town she made for a story we were both telling.
With SiManiacs coming to an end, that story too has maybe found it's end, and VQ may continue that on her own with input from me, but that's largely undecided I believe. This same town ended up being used as a "play-for-fun town" for both of us. She was cool enough to go beyond the norm and filled up the town with her own created civilians, or better known as, "Townies." Dreadful things, really, I know. Not only that, but because it was her town they were all villains and crooks! LoL. But, she had forgotten about one couple she added to the game as rich yacht-club-yuppies, or something. To me, they stood out. Especially the female sim, Delila. And I may have become more infatuated (as much as one can be with our lovely pixel-people - lol) with the sim than I'd care to admit.
When I create a sim of my own, I do take a lot of pride in what I make, and I put in a lot of time making them just so. Delila, is not my sim... and I'm almost jealous, envious, that she is not one that I can say, "Hey, I made that." It almost upsets me - I've told VQ this before - to learn that she just kinda threw this sim together real quick-like since it was just a good-for-nothing-townie. Okay, "good-for-nothing" are my words, not hers, but townies are background noise and not that important most of the time, not always.
In my eyes she was a diamond in the rough, I guess. As she was, and I wish I had pics, she wasn't anything special but I could see ways of improving her. I respect what other people create, and I never change anything anyone lets me borrow without permission. A desire to change this one sim was neglected for a few months until SiManiacs was closed and our story put on hold. Over the past two years I've used a lot of sims belonging to other people for my stories, and you can never know what someone will say until you ask them. Needing something to do, and wanting to finally give Delila a makeover, I had to ask VQ. Except (and I remember this now, VQ) I couldn't ask her because she was out of town at the time for a few days, maybe a week? I couldn't remember everything at the time, but it was the first time I altered someone's sim without permission. Having gotten to know her better, I didn't think she would mind, but it did bother me - I felt guilty. Funny thing, I did the alteration during one of those late more-asleep-than-awake nights and I could NOT remember how this sim came to be exactly. When VQ came back and I confessed my crimes (lol) I totally thought that she was a daughter of Delila's. Now I remember in full. To ease my conscience of this terrible, terrible, crime I was about to commit, I had cloned Delila, kept the original, and eased my sin by thinking, "it's just a clone... IT'S OKAY!" Haha. Something like that. I always felt bad though, and maybe it's silly, but she did say it was okay and not a big deal if I had changed her without asking.
And so, finally having real permission to do what I wanted, I've been using this altered-clone in my game. I named her, Hope. I wonder if that's because she was a hope that VQ wouldn't be upset with me? Could be!
With my new page, My Favorite Sim Pictures, I wanted something new to add and started fishing for recent pics I could dabble with in Photoshop.
A work in progress, but here you go, as a vamp, is Hope (click for larger image):

I didn't know this at the time, but the reason for my "infatuation" with Delila/Hope is that she reminds me a lot of a certain pink-haired sim I used to have, but lost to hard drive failure. No one but me would see the resemblance, so I don't think I'll bother to try and explain it. =]
D'aw. <3
ReplyDeleteNo really, that town was made as much for you as it was for me. Something that, hopefully, we could both have fun with between story chapters. If you want to take something I made for you anyway, and alter it a bit, that doesn't bother me at all.
The worst I'll do is giggle if you make a change I would never have done to my own sims.
(I miss that story, by the way. It was going to be so much fun!)
The Vamp looks all kinds of fierce
ReplyDelete@VQ: Just how I am. I'm guilty of having a conscience.
ReplyDeleteThe more we discussed things we could do with that story, the more entertaining it sounded. I would like to see it continue on in some form cause we really did have some interesting ideas there at the end.
@itzbee: I think she does too! She wasn't supposed to be a vamp, and isn't, but I just wanted to see her that way and really liked it. I'll be posting one of her minus the vamp'age later.